Tuesday, May 13, 2008


April 4th was supposed to be a day of celebration for us in the land of the Rising Star. Unfortunately it was not to be. On that day our beloved president said " DE 2 OF UNNAH REAL FOOLISH !! and that was the last time I heard that voice.

Hours after while preparing for a fundraing event, my good friend left me for her home above our own here on earth. Has it been hard, U betcha. In less than a year my little short friend changed us from a 'group' of people with a few negatives into a club of POSITIVES. In our celebrations and disappointments, we must and will never,ever,ever forget M.Y.S.

Exactly one month later I had to say goodbye to that person who singlehandedly molded m einto the person I am to you. Yup again I had to endure the hardest thing one has to go through and that is to mourn a loved one. I am still trying as best as I can to deal with these passings and as the days go by I know that I will have to do so sometime again.

Maya Angelou ( American novelist) wrote a book, " I know why the caged bird sings" and daily that gets me through my inner pain.

After all the above let us give thanks for who we are, what we have and has accomplished and remember that in the midst of all our joys we will encounter sadness.


If any of you readers remembers correctly, the last blog was posted prior to the 2008 Carifta games. If any of you were following those games then you will know that history ( in this case HERstory) was written.

Yup that gnarly voiced girl with a penchant for the 'sticks' boomed her way into the annals ( that is a word too) of Carifta history by not only winning gold in the U-20 girls 100m hurdles, but she also broke a year old record and won the covete Austin Sealy award in the process. For those who don't know,this award is given to the single most dominant athlete at the annual Carifta games.

Also at the games our own Kenrisha won gold ( U-17 girls 100mH ) and a silver in the 300mH. Shane won gold in the U-20 boys multi-event and burly Tyrell got double silver in the U-17boys 100 and 400mh.

Those achievements and the ones that I haven't mentioned were some of the reasons peope clamour to be a RISING STAR.


I am back !!