Saturday, March 17, 2007


Congratulations to some of the tiniest "stars" in the galaxy ,Nicole Parris and Tristan Evelyn. Nicole is the Victrix Ludorum at the Good Shepherd Primary School inter-house sports and the U-11 Girls Division winner of the Napsac ( Zone 1).
Tristan is the winner at Mount Tabor Primary School inter-house sports.


This blog was created with the view that all athletes,families and friends of the RSTFC could be updated on the performances of it's members. It has never been used in a malicious ( as felt by ONE) manner to demoralise or belittle anyone.
All articles should be taken in the context that they are written. They should provoke thinking while at the same time be seen as witty and humorous.
To the individual(s) who are not satisfied with what is written any imput will be acknowledged,but may also not be used.

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