Monday, January 14, 2008

Twinklers and Twinklettes '08

The first Mr&Ms Rising Stars comes of at the Lester Vaughan School on Sunday January 27th.It will be held in conjunction with a fundraising luncheon which begins at 2p.m. Ten of the brightest( all pun intended)STARS glides onto the stage for the chance to be the first Mr&Ms Rising Stars.


Halana Gittens
Earla-Ashlee Massiah
Meisha Jackson
Arielle Stanford
Jaleesia Harper


Thorn Wood
Raphael Jordan
Dwayne Layne
Tyrell Forde
Brandon Inniss

These Challengers will compete against each other in four areas with the Fitness Challenge already completed.
Here are the questions they will have to choose from on the evening.

1 - How has your involvement in track and field affected you as an individual?

2 - What advice would you give to your peers who wish to be involved in track and field?

3 - Why would you say that taking performance enhancing drugs is cheating?

4 - Who is your role model in track and field and why?

5 -How would you link track and field and why?

6 - The club is called Rising Stars Track and Field Club.How significant is that to your approach to track and field?

7 - What is the motto of the club? How do you apply that to your daily life?

8 - Is it important for you to represent Barbados regionally and internationally? Why?

9 - What is/are your pet event(s)? How are you preparing yourself both mentally and physically for the event(s)?

10 - What expectations do you have of your parents and coaches as you prepare for success in track and field?

Come be a part of history !

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