Sunday, October 19, 2008


History is made in different ways.There is good,bad and maybe indifferent. The history that we made last week was bad and we will now find a way to make it good.

In the three years that the RST&FC has been in existence, we have never cancelled a training day unless a natural disaster( hurricane,etc) prevented us. Last week we did and had no hurricane.

Some athletes and their parents may think that the postponement of training until Tuesday October 21st was too harsh but that was a decision that was made by the head coach and supported by me.

On the resumption of training and parents feel that their children should stay away,that is their call. Realise that when returning to training the child/children CANNOT restart without a doctor's certificate.

It has also been decided that instead of paying a dollar fine for not wearing the correct colour t-shirt on training day that the athlete(s) not be allowed to train or be given one(1) week's suspension.

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